create simple registration form with transparent background using HTML CSS

Registration form with Transparent Background:

Hello guys!!!
   Creating a registration form is so simple using HTML and CSS.Both languages are used for webdesign/web-development.
        In this post I have created a simple registration form with transparent background using HTML CSS. This page can be used as a landing page for any website.I hope you will like this post.

I have given the source code of this page you can download it . You can refer this code during learning. Also if you want to download copyright free images then you can go on

What this page contains?

1. Transparent Background:

    For the transparent background I have used a container . To make it a transparent I have set an image to its background and added a color over it and made it transparent.

2. Heading:

        This heading is created using H1 tag of html.I have positioned it as absolute so that we can make changes to its position and can easily make it at center. I have used the googlefont for its font family or even font family of each of the object in this page.

Also when you keep your mouse pointer on the heading its color gets changed.For that I have used the hover keyword.

3. Registration form:

    For this registration form I have used the division tag and positioned it as a absolute so that I can move it where-ever I want. This registration form contains Username,Password,Login button and the link of forgot password.

How you can run it on your pc/laptop?

  1. Download the source code
  2. Save this file as a .html file i.e. save it with .html extension

You can watch the video on the youtube which is below


Click here to download source code : Download

Some pictures during actual coding:

Hopefully this was useful to you, I have given code also so that you can run it on your Pc/Laptop.
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