Creating Homepage Using Html | Css

Creating Homepage Using Html | Css: 

Hello guys in this post you will see how I created a simple and cool homepage for a website. The website which is of educational purpose. In Creating Homepage Using Html | Css  post you can download the source code and also the images/png's used in the video. Creating web-pages using Html  Css is so easy because these languages are easy to learn.You can refer this code during learning.

Contents of this Homepage :

  1. The Logo of the website.
  2. Name of the website.
  3. Navigation-bar having different pages such as: Home , Examination ,Ciriculum , About etc.
  4. Two buttons at the Right corner.
  5. A headline which continues to move from right to left.
  6. A heading with title of post.
  7. A button at the center of the page.

How you can customize the page:

When you are going to customize the page do not change the width,margin,height as well as the position of the all the contents.

Instead of  all above contents and their properties mentioned you can change the font-families,font-size,color or even you can change the text.You can also change the background image of the page,and also the Logo itself.You can also create new pages and link them out here in the pages which are in the Navigation bar.

If you find any doubts in customizing this page you can comment below.

Features in this page:

  1. When we hover / drag our mouse pointer on the links of pages , buttons, and other text their color gets changed as we have used the hover keyword during coding.
  2. The best feature is about the Header, as you scroll down the page the Header stays at its position .
  3. The page has a Headline which moves from one direction to another direction.
  4. When you browse this page on your computer/laptop you can see the Live Demo.

Before Downloading this watch the video below

Click here to download Source Code:  Download 

Click here to Logo: Download

Click here to download background: Download 

How to set up this code in your Pc/laptop

After downloading the source code and the images.
  1. Create a new folder.
  2. Paste source code and images in that folder.
  3. Open source code file.
  4. Save it as <filename>.html i.e. Save it using .html extension.
  5. Your Page is ready.

We also have some real-rime coding screenshots:

Html Css code

Html Css programming

Web Developement

Web Design

Css styling

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